The Pursuits of Time
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Today I will speak about the way in which people spend their time in pursuit of things that have little value in terms of forward progression both personal and planetary. Too much time is wasted on self gratification and the collection of material things, both of which are temporary and carry no weight into the future morontia life.
The human life span is so brief on the material worlds of time and space, yet so much learning and development must be achieved in this tiny window of life to prepare and orient the soul for eternity. Modern society and the global economic engine that drives daily life on this planet have evolved in a way that promotes this pleasure seeking and material hording mentality—what's in it for me? When we dissect the life of an average citizen in the more developed nations, we find a very small percentage of that life devoted to the things that have the most value: selflessness, charity, volunteerism, truth seeking, and legacy building. These are some of the things that build a weightier soul for the individual and help society move forward into a more progressive state that will some day flourish in Light and Life.
Pleasure seeking and self gratification are not all detrimental when it is applied in moderation, for reversion and rest are necessary components to overcome monotony—something you will not find on the mansion worlds. How many hours, days, and years of your life do you spend working and toiling to pay for material things that, in the end analysis, contribute little to actual character and soul growth and leaving nothing for future generations to stand on. This, my friends, is what the Correcting Time is all about: changing the thinking of the individual and society; to restore balance and bring sustainability for future growth through right-thinking and by decision making that serves the many, for in serving the many, we serve the One.
Let us reevaluate the course we are pursuing; the aim of our goals; and the outcomes we expect. Let us make time for noble pursuits that affect people and change lives for the better; for the individual; for the community. Let us be more cognizant of what we do and why we do it. Let us begin to think about the consequences of our pursuits and actions, how they affect our neighbor and our progeny. Maximize the time you have left on the earth my friends, whether you are young or old, rich or poor, for God calls each one of us to perfection and provides us the inner pilot, the Thought Adjuster, that we may know the way and find joy in it.
Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven