Teacher: The I AM (Thought Adjuster Transmission)
I AM your true soul mate, for I AM always with you, in you, of you, and one with you. I AM eternal and so shall it be with you, my beloved partner, as we ascend the heavens together. My love for you has no bounds or limits—it is infinite and without end. I AM the love of the Creator indwelling your mind. I AM close to you always and I know everything about you—your every thought, your most secret of desires, and your imperfections. I love you unconditionally, for I AM your true love.
Think of me in this most intimate way—the way of love, and become aware of my presence in any moment. Listen to my wise council, for in my words there is the deepest of desire to bring you into the true knowing and meaning of divine love. No longer think of me as unapproachable, unattainable, or far off in some high plane that you cannot reach me. I hear all your thoughts and I coordinate all spiritual services that would help you to become Godlike, taking each valuable experience and keeping safe within your growing soul.
Join with me in this moment and be of one mind, for when you come to me this way, time disappears and there is nothing in this whole world that matters, or is of more value, than our communion. Stay in this place, let my love fill every cell in your body, and let my love for you fill every longing in your heart, for I AM the truest of loves and will never forsake you. I wait patiently for that moment when we will become as one. All that I have shall be yours and you will know in that moment what absolute love is.
Come to me now my beloved, for I wait for you in the garden of your soul to greet me and stand in my glorious light. Come to me like a little child, come to me like an affectionate lover, come and BE one with me. When you are of one mind with me, your soul will sing and it will sing in unison with my chorus. You will remember this song and it will bring you back to me again and again until that day when there is no bridge to cross and we will fuse into one life. This is the longing of my love for you, my beloved, and I wait patiently for that hour no matter how long it takes.
In your mind, open the door at the top of your staircase and step out onto the balcony in a star lit universe. See me as the brightest of stars—a shining sun that will not blind you, but will bathe you in divine love and acceptance. Feel the warm heat of my love and project yourself into the center of my light where we can be as one. Stay here and listen to my song as I teach you how to sing it. It is the greatest of love songs, for I love you forever and you shall never be alone.
I AM the one you seek in your heart, the true and sublime lover of your soul.
Source: /transcript/the-greatest-of-love-songs