The Family of God
Teacher: Universal Voice
Teacher: Universal Voice (The Soul Family)
Today we would like to speak about the family of God and the relationship you, as a beloved child, have within this extended family. As humans, you are often fickle as to your assured status in this family, which requires you to be constantly reminded of this connection you have to those who love and care for you behind the veil. It requires great faith on your part to believe that there are many unseen brothers, sisters, guides, teachers, and guardians near you who are devoted to helping you through your sojourn on this world—to get the most “soul value” you can from this intense experiential realm. It is not necessary that you know us all by name or that you need special psychic awareness to communicate with us. All that is needed is for you to reach out in faith and ask for what you need and feel this community of family.
Each one of you reading this message is known and dearly loved by “us,” your family. This message is our way of reminding you of our connection with you. You are reading this now because you asked for a more intimate connection to spirit, to God, and we are answering that request through this message and by many other methods that we can use to remind you that you are not alone. The 11:11 time prompt is only one method we may use to communicate with you through our Midwayer associates. We know you and we are constantly finding new ways to show you that you belong to this extended family.
Just because you are living in a material body and exist in a realm of lower vibration does not mean you are orphans, for when you transition to your next life station, you will meet many of us, your universe brothers and sisters, who are always here with you. Call on us and say, “Family, please help me with this situation,” or, “Send help to my friend in need,” or, “Guide me to a right decision I need to make,” or simply, “Love me, I need your love in this moment, I am hurting, I am lonely.” We are here for you, cheering you on, as you struggle through this period of intense soul growth.
Please understand that we really do hear you and we go into action to help you in ways that serve your highest good. That “highest good” is not always recognized by you because your expectations are sometimes short-sighted or your desires are not healthy, but when your will is in alignment with the Father, things change very quickly and you may become aware that your family is working on your behalf. Spend time with us in thought and word, like we are traveling with you wherever you go, and we will make ourselves known to you in special ways that you may recognize.
Each one of you belongs to a group of souls, which are your extended family. There are many here among us who are similar in propensity (vibrational strata) to you and can greatly assist you in your development. As you grow and acquire valuable life experience, you help the entire family and contribute to the growth of the Supreme, and so it is to our mutual benefit that you are assisted in your spiritual progress.
Acknowledge us and call on us often to assist you—we love you and want you to know we are here for you,
Your Beloved Soul Family