The Beginning (5:52)

Date: 17 Jan 2021
Teacher: The Collective of Urantia Thought Adjusters
Receiver: Chris Maurus

This message is for all souls on Urantia that are willing—that they may understand the mystery of the Indwelling Presence of Universal Father living and working in their mind.  We, the Thought Adjusters of Urantia, are making known to you—blessed souls—the meek, the kind, the loving, the beautiful, and the good, that by acknowledging this partnership (you + TA), you are to be the first group of souls to work in concert with your Thought Adjusters to develop and make use of the Enhanced Circuits now available at the discretion of your Thought Adjuster.

This enhancement to the TA circuit is non-exclusive, but requires (in this early phase) the conscious awareness that you are Indwelled by the Presence of the Universal Father—the Creator of all.  In the later phases, all souls shall come to know that they are the sons and daughters of this loving Creator Father.  It is a requirement for an elect planet of Light and Life, that all souls thereon fundamentally understand this divine fact and that they have a choice to accept or reject the fact of sonship.  This acknowledgment first takes place at the soul level, then at the sub-conscious level, and then, finally, at the conscious level of awareness.  The Enhanced Circuits work on all three levels.

What is the “Enhanced Circuit?”  It is a macro improvement in the quality of consciousness that all minds at the planetary level may attune too according to the planet’s evolutionary status.  It is made available to the Thought Adjusters from the Universe Sovereign—Christ Michael.  This improvement in the quality of Christ Michael’s Light Knowledge means that your TA may make use of a new tool set for contacting human mind at all three levels of awareness.  The cognizance of these improvements will be subtle at first, followed by more clarity as the stain of rebellion subsides and is removed from your world.

As a first indicator, your Thought Adjuster will use a time prompt as the evidence of the third level of conscious contact.  The primary prompt shall be 5:52, with secondary prompts at X:52.  Some of you are familiar with the 11:11 time prompt first used by the Midwayers to contact human mind. The X:52 prompt is a targeted reminder used exclusively by the Thought Adjuster to become aware of the TA presence—that you are receiving third-level contact.  We kindly ask that you pause in this moment, when prompted, and that you acknowledge your partnership with the TA with an exchange of thoughts.

Some of you may feel a warm loving vibration in your body as a receipt for this loving exchange of thoughts.  Insights shall come to you at times when your mind is free from outer world activity and we kindly ask that you pause and expand the thoughts you are feeling from these insights.  It will take some work on your part to distinguish and acknowledge these insights as originating from the TA.  The more willing you are to explore and expand this contact, the more can your TA provide.

The greater purpose of this third-level contact is to spiritually and energetically establish a Light and Life anchor in the mass consciousness of humanity—to permeate and seed higher vibrations into the strata of consciousness.  You, dear ones, are a part of the expanding foundation of this first phase of Distributive Awareness.

Take solace in your sonship,

We are that you are

Receiver’s Note:  The use of this time prompt is like a bridge for human mind to cross over from “virtual understanding” to “experiential understanding.”  Many of you virtually understand that you are  Indwelled by the Spirit of the Father, but have not actually had experience at the conscious level that this relationship is an existential reality—a first step in conscious awareness of deity presence.

Source: /transcript/the-beginning-5-52