Spiritual Bondage
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Today’s lesson is on spiritual bondage. I must reiterate some of the points I touched on in previous messages because this is so very important and it is the one thing that bars souls from entering the Kingdom. Spiritual bondage is the illusion of mind that prevents mortal man from seeing and believing in his or her eternal inheritance as faith sons and daughters of the Universal Father. Spiritual bondage shuts out the light and dims the call of the Father to bring all men and women unto himself. It delays and may eventually prevent the eternal potentiality of that soul to reach the shores of paradise.
It is not my intent or purpose to instill fear or to rebuke the spiritually weak into obedience, no—it is my desire to illuminate the simple truth about this pandemic condition that plagues the multitudes of sleepers on your world and to teach those on the path that they may know a better way to reach out to their brothers and sisters in love and life.
The causes of spiritual bondage are many, and the children of Urantia have been at a great disadvantage from the upheavals of the Lucifer rebellion, the Calagastia betrayal, and the Adamic default. None the less, your world has also been greatly blessed by being the chosen world of Christ Michael’s final bestowal and it is his personal directive that all things be corrected. Therefore, there are many channels open to help the children of Urantia find entrance into the Father’s house.
Of the many causes of spiritual bondage, my beloved, materialism and selfishness are the greatest obstacles and detriments to eternal life. The other is the feeling of unworthiness and the confusion about the requirements to enter this spiritual family of the Father. The religions of the world have taken a very simple truth and made a labyrinth of rules and conditions that keep the followers ever in doubt of their true standing.
The Master came to illuminate and to teach those poor in spirit who felt they were outside and unworthy of salvation. Those that have ears, let them here—Christ’s message was simple: to declare the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. To proclaim the truth about man’s eternal destiny and his sonship with the Father, for all men and women are indwelt with the spirit of the Father—a fragment of himself that lives in the mind of mortal men and women. Jesus taught that all men are your brothers, not just the ones that belong to your club—that the indwelling spirit binds us in brotherhood and that we should love each other as Christ loved us. The Kingdom of Heaven is the living experience of faith and belief in this indwelling spirit of the Father and His promise of eternal life. The doing of the Father’s will is the co-creative process of the Kingdom believer to actualize the outworking forward progression of spiritualization and perfection—to find God and to be like Him—to answer the Father’s call, “Be ye perfect, even as I am perfect.”
Jesus said, if you sincerely believe this simple truth ye are in the Kingdom, and you will know your standing in the Kingdom by the fruits that you bear. The Father holds nothing over your head my beloved—if you believe, you have entered. Plain and simple.
Peace be with you.
The Circle of Seven