Prayer of the Child
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Peace fills me. Every cell in my body knows of your love Father. I close my eyes and I see with the heart—you are with me. In this moment there is nothing and everything—my mind is still. A feeling of utter joy pervades me as I reach out and connect with you. My mind knows only of your unconditional love for me, and I have nothing but love and devotion for you, my Creator Father. Let us merge together into one thought. Fill me with your light that we may become one. All my cares and worries have left me—I am safe, loved, and cherished like your only child. I love you Father and I know with all certainty that I am loved by you.
We are One Father, for I am an extension of your love in this world. You uphold and sustain me, while I experience your Creation. Together we function like a family. I see this so clearly now Father—all your good purposes. By your unfathomable genius, you live in me and allow me to discover, from the beginning, the beauty of your intentions. You have allowed me the freedom to choose any path that leads me home to you, where I will be welcomed like a favorite son—all fear has left me, for there is nothing that can separate me from your watch-care.
My faith and trust in you, Father, is replete, and I accept your wise guidance as I navigate this world. You continually show me the way toward growth and perfection—that my soul may become weighty and wise. Open my heart Father that I may become like you and express to my brothers and sisters that same fatherly love you give to me. Help me to forgive and understand their place along the path that it may not be where I am. Remind me of this Father, and help me be an example to all, that I am your child, and I represent you in this world.
Place a sentinel over my mouth, that I may give pause and let your spirit speak before I condemn and judge others. Teach me how to be master of myself and have control over my emotions, for there is strength in the solace of your council. When I speak, let me speak from the highest point of the temple and let no injury move me from this place. If you are with me, who can be against me?
I climb the steps that lead to the roof of my humanity and stand before you Father—I bathe in your glorious light. It is warm and familiar—your love fills me. Lift me up and bring me into the center of your light and allow me a moment of oneness that I may taste the sweetness of home. I long for that day to be in the arms of your embrace and hear with my whole heart, “You are my perfected child, welcome home my beloved.” Oh Father, my eyes fill with tears when I think about that moment, for this thought carries me across the chasms of fear and assures me of my place in your house. I feel the gravity of your love pulling me inward and when I let go of my resistance, I move freely toward you.
I AM Love, I AM Light, We Are One.
Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven