Light and Life Series, Lesson 1, Coming Era of Enlightenment
Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah
Greeting citizens of Urantia, I AM Uteah--a Trinity Teacher, and I
reside on Jerusem, the Capital sphere of your local system named
"Satania." Around me on Jerusem are a series of architectural spheres
that function as an administration center that serves a greater
planetary organization of up to 1000 inhabited worlds--Urantia (Earth)
is one of the planets within the domain of this organized system.
"Urantia" is the name given to your planet (Earth) by the Creator Father
and is known by this name throughout the universes by the spirit beings
and celestial administrators that work to guide the eternal careers of
souls that are born there as they pass through the experience of living
on a world in time and space. After your lives are lived and you have
populated your souls with the various experiences of life on Urantia,
you shall transition to the afterlife. Your afterlife begins here on
seven progressive architectural spheres called "The Seven Mansion Worlds
of Satania."
The details of this afterlife, the cosmology, and
the goings on there, are more intimately defined in the Urantia Book and
I would refer you there to learn more. However, because many of you do
not have the background teachings of the Urantia Revelation, I will
speak plainly to you seeing that many of you are searching for truth and
meaning in a world that is very disconnected from the greater realities
that lie beyond this mortal life. This disconnection was mainly due
to a rebellion that happen in this system (Satania) over 200,000 years
ago by the System Sovereign of that time you may recognize as
"Lucifer." Like a virus, the Lucifer Rebellion spread to a number of worlds
in the Satania system, and so it was decided by the high administrators
of Nebadon (your local universe) to sever the intelligence circuits that
connect all worlds in the system that nurture and feed the progressive
energies that help developing planets evolve to a more enlightened
state. Only those necessary circuits that sustained life were left
intact, but were soon to be tampered with by Lucifer and those
personalities that followed him into rebellion.
It is necessary
for you to understand the history of this that you may better know how
and why your world has developed into the present state that exists
today. Urantians know very little about the greater realities that lie
beyond this world; the path of soul ascension; and the very reason for
their being there. It is in ignorance of these realities that you
struggle to find peace in your personal lives, social systems, and
governments--to move beyond conflict and war to a more enlightened era.
Although the Lucifer Rebellion was officially adjudicated decades ago,
and the leaders apprehended, there still exist the aftermath of that
rebellion and the stain that was left there that continues to exert
control on your world. It lives on through the biology of generations;
military technologies and infrastructures; and the financial and
governance systems that uphold the Luciferian values of unbridled
liberty by an elite class to enslave humanity and continue the unspoken
directives to prevent and deny souls from ascending to paradise. Your
world is to move beyond this state of confusion.
It is my purpose
as a Trinity Teacher to prepare your world for a coming era of
enlightenment called "Light and Life (L&L)." Through a series of
teachings, I shall progressively build on the ideas of L&L and how
you may understand that you are more than a mere citizen of Urantia, but
a citizen of the universe. It is necessary for citizens of L&L to
have a basic understanding of the personal values and attitudes
necessary to contribute to and become the progenitors of future
generations that will be born into a world that understands universe
citizenship--Light and Life.
With endearing passion,
I AM Uteah