Letter to My Father
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Dear Heavenly Father, Creator of all,
In this moment, I feel peace, I feel joy, and I have a heart of gratitude for my life, for you continue to show me how to know you more—to feel the depths of your parental care, and how to understand your unconditional love with each passing day. When I slow down and bring my mind to the awareness of your presence in my life, I feel that Fatherly love you have for me, your child, and I have this awesome sense and assurance that I will one day stand in the actual presence of your immensity having moved through eons of time in your creation, having perfected my mind and finally knowing, with near perfection, what it means to love as you love. It is the ultimate “deja vu.”
Now, in my imperfect state, I can only know love at the fringe, yet the more I express this fringe love to others, the more I understand of your complete love. It’s as if I was a tiny ant standing on a great painting—a masterpiece, and with my small eyes, I can only see dots and strokes of color, yet as I grow in love, my perspective changes—I rise higher, and I see a little more of the masterpiece. I have a long way to go, Father, before I can view the periphery of the frame for which you have adorned the masterpiece, yet from the small part I see now, I am inspired and I strive for a wider view.
As I boldly let go of fear and embrace the path of love, my vibration changes—it becomes higher, and with this higher frequency, my awareness of your presence, your guidance, your divine love in my life, becomes more apparent. Your love is infectious, Father, and it fuels my desire to be more like you. Yet as I anticipate this post moment of glory as afar off in my vision, I have you here with me at all times—your Indwelling Presence befriends me, speaks to me, and guides me to those blessed opportunities where I can experience love in a new way, and when this happens, a new space opens up in me—I now have room for a little greater understanding of your perfect love.
Like a child with crayons, I scribble my imitation of your masterpiece, which is barely recognizable to those around me, yet you remind me that every master painter was once a child having scribbled incomprehensible expressions. It is the deep passion and desire to be a master painter—to explore and create, which drives the child to learn and grow and to have a greater command of his expression on the canvas. Knowing this gives me hope and builds great faith in me, Father, that you can teach me how to be a master, for you have filled my pallet with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and placed a brush into my hands.
“Paint, my child, for I have given you the tools and the inspiration to create a masterpiece!”
And so I shall, Father, so I shall.
Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven