Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Today I would like to address those who would find themselves living in a state of hopelessness and who may feel there is no way of escaping the reality of the life choices they have willingly or unwillingly made. Those in abusive situations; single mothers struggling and losing control of their children; those in financial ruin; and those who have lost the true love of their life through the selfishness of the ego. You may feel alone and isolated and have nowhere or nobody to turn to. Some may have even contemplated taking their own life as a way to escape the dire situations they find themselves in. I say to you that nothing is hopeless, and there is not any one thing or circumstance that can remain changeless except for the love and mercy of the Father who calls you to perfection.
A fool having found a locked door will turn away, while a wise man will go in search of the key. You who have turned away from the door to your freedom must declare your intentions and desires for change, and pursue truth, beauty, and goodness in place of doubt, apathy, and despair. You need not go it alone, for there are many wise, loving angels and guides waiting for you to ask them for assistance in finding that elusive key to your freedom. The key will not fall into your lap, you must go in search of it. You must use your will to actively seek the change you so desire.
When we find ourselves at the bottom of a well, we must use our voice to call out for help. There is no place too dark or too remote that the Father cannot find us. He waits on us to call out to him with a sincere heart and to ask for this help. This is the first step toward your freedom my beloved. Once the call goes out from those who are sincere in their willingness to change their situation and to follow the leadings of righteous living, then will he send his angels and ministers to point the way and provide those serendipitous opportunities that lead to the keys of freedom.
Are we ready to strip away our pride and in humility fall to our knees at the feet of the Christ who, with divine mercy, can lift us up and declare to the Father, “These are my brethren who were lost out on the highways of life, set a place for them at the table, and dress them in fine linens for the feast, for they will supp with me?” It is the desire of the Father that all his children would be found, that none would be lost, and that all would receive his love, mercy, and protection.
You are a unique personality in the universe and you are precious to God. He loves you and wants you to experience the full joy of living as one who has sonship with Him in his eternal kingdom. If you could only see but a glimpse of the glory and grandeur that awaits those who persevere in faith, you would never again despair or allow yourself to suffer at the hands of those who oppress you. Reach out to Him in faith right now!
Father, I surrender my hopelessness to you and I ask that you guide me out of the desperate situations of my life. Show me the way to real joy in living as one who has sonship with you. Fill me with your divine love, and light the flame of righteousness in me that I may shine this light out into the world as a victory lamp for others to follow. AMEN.
The Circle of Seven
Receiver’s note: It is the request of Ophelius and the Circle that those on the path would send this message to someone in need.