First Contact – Primary Midwayer Andrea
Teacher: Chris Maurus
I went to bed late Saturday night—I remember seeing the clock before shutting out the light and turning off the television—12:12. Strangely, I was not sleepy having worked outside all day—my body was sore and I should have shut right down from exhaustion, but I laid there awake for about 30 minutes—unable to fall asleep. I went into a meditative state and asked if there were any Primary Midwayers who would like to make contact with me and use their new mind endowment (See Barnard’s “Un-sung Heroes and Samuel’s Prayer,” May 3, 2014) (samuel-s-prayer"> I put this intention out there for about 20 minutes or so waiting to see some sign on my screen that my request had been heard. Usually when spirit makes contact with me, I see a tiny point of light on my screen that quickly fades—this is my indicator that a spiritual circuit has been established. I then saw the tiny light appear on my screen as I have so many times before. I said to spirit, “If you are a Primary Midwayer, I need to have a name.” Immediately as the last syllable rolled from my lips, I heard the name “Andrea.” I was so surprised and I immediately apologized if I called her away from any important work on the other side of the planet, for I know that many of the Midwayers are quite busy with all the turmoil in the Middle East and in Ukraine.
I was having a difficult time hearing what she was saying because my dog, an old black Labrador, was laying on the floor next to my bed panting very heavy—it was a warm night. I asked Andrea if she had any influence with animals and if so, could she compel the dog to get up and move to another room so I could hear her. Again as the last word rolled off my lips, the dog got up and left my room, went down the hallway to the toilet to get water, and then my son got up and let him outside. It was quiet now in my room and I was again ready to “listen.” I sank into a deeper meditative state and I was asking questions of Andrea and listening for answers. I said to her, “Andrea, I am having a little trouble hearing you—only getting bits and pieces.” I then heard her say, “Let me switch circuits.” Just as I heard these words, my whole body jolted as if I had been electrically shocked, but without any pain. This same jolting of my whole body has happened many times to me in the past having a Self-Acting Thought Adjuster, the TA would often disconnect from me in the evening with this same shock-like reaction.
I could then hear Andrea much better and we had a nice chat about something—I cannot recall now, but soon my hearing would start to fade again. I asked Andrea if she could project an image onto my screen. I waited for about five minutes or so and nothing happened. She was still with me, her presence was quite unique and unmistakable—like nothing else I had ever encountered or experienced with other beings of light—totally unique and delightful. My wife at this point began to cuddle up to me and I thought to myself, “She never does this in the middle of the night—why would she disturb me now when I am in the middle of this extraordinary experience?” She started to speak to me—a few sentences—I don’t remember what she said, but I realized then quite suddenly having an “ah-ha” moment, that it was Andrea speaking through Deena! I said to Andrea, “Ahh—how clever you are!” I then was somewhat disappointed that I could not recall what she said to me—Deena has no memory of this.
At this point, I began telling Deena about the incredible experience I just had with Andrea and described who she was—a Primary Midwayer, and that she was over 200,000 years old, a high vibrational being that is mostly difficult for humans to hear—born from the Planetary Prince’s Staff and other details. After my explanation, I came out of my meditative state and realized I was not verbally speaking to Deena, but having a telepathic conversation! She woke up at this point and I verbally asked her if she remembers speaking to me. She said she had not. I then told her about the experience nearly verbatim as I had just done telepathically a few moments before. I asked her, “Do you remember the dog getting up and being let outside by one of the boys?” She said, “Yes, I remember.” She asked, “where is the dog now?” It was totally quiet in the room—the dog nowhere in the room (unusual—he always sleeps in our room). I got up and walked to the stairs and looked down into the landing—the dog was completely asleep there—something he never does. I went back into the bedroom and told Deena where he was and said, “I have to get up now and write—I cannot sleep.” As I walked down the stairs and stepped over the dog, he did not even stir—completely in a deep sleep! As I write this, it is 4:30 AM and I can still hear the dog snoring on the landing.
Note: This was an extraordinary experience—I kept reminding myself how unique it was and how different the presence of a Primary Midwayer was compared to other celestial beings I have had contact with—even Monjoronson, a Magisterial Son, who I experience quite regularly. With most celestials, I get a color signature on my screen, but with Andrea, I did not—just the palpable feeling of her extraordinary presence. I cannot describe in words how it felt except that it was absolutely delightful. I look forward to more of these experiences.