Faith in Yourself
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Todays’s message is about having faith in yourself. What does it mean to have faith in yourself? We know what it is to have faith in God—to believe in the creator of all things, but can we believe in ourselves? Yes, believe that you are a child of God and that you have sonship with Him, which provides to you the privilege and the choice to attain perfection and to live eternally in service to Him.
Have faith and believe that day by day you are making progress and your soul child is growing and maturing even if you feel that no progress is being made, for there are many processes going on in the unseen realms by your guides, guardians, and your Thought Adjuster to spiritualize your mind. This thought seeding takes place without your awareness, which is to be used by you in the future as the catalyst for soul growth for yourself or for the benefit of another. It is an amazingly complicated matrix of divine orchestration to spin events for the progress of a planet and at the same time promote the forward progress and education of an individual to make right choices for which he or she will freely choose and will ultimately take responsibility for those decisions and actions.
Having the ability to recognize the divine signature and the synchronicity of events will help you greatly in making these soul growing decisions. Spirit will always point the way, but you must choose to follow or take an alternate path. Have faith in yourself my beloved, to trust that the universe is in control and that your planet and your best interests are carefully looked after down to the most minute of details. If you choose the alternate path, spirit will compensate and point the way forward. When you choose to work with us (the family of God) then will you be given greater opportunities to advance and grow. It is all part of this great tapestry of life and perfection attainment which will bring all things to light.
Take comfort in the shadow of the Father and walk in confidence today. Express joy in your life and work—always looking for those opportunities to help others see the pointing finger of progress. Have faith in yourself to choose rightly and to see the better path, for each step up gives you a greater view of eternity, and this heightened viewpoint makes you a better example to your brethren.
Good day,
The Circle of Seven