Experiencing Conscious Contact – Part 12, 1 of 2

Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA
Date: 13 Mar 2022
Teacher: From the Desk of Chris Maurus

Dear Friends and Light Workers,

This continuing series will expand and explain the eleven facets identified in Part 3, “The Framework for Conscious Contact.”  This message takes a deeper look at the 10th facet: 
“10. Visions  - Creating Light in the Field (for your future self and progress, opportunities, personal mission, abundance, family and friends, world conditions, hopes, dreams, and prayers for others)”

We are nearly at the end of our Conscious Contact session.  Having moved through the previous facets we are now at a place where we bring our co-creativity into great focus.  How do we do this? With visions.

Human language is not the most efficient way to communicate with the Indwelling Presence of the Creator within.  Words are used as a crude way of communicating feelings, which we all know are poor substitutes for defining our emotions and aspirations.  Words are used more for our human minds to organize our thoughts about feelings—to bring them into a solidified form free from the lofty and scattered cacophony of thoughts that are unfocused.  This is why you use the spoken word during your CC session—to solidify your thoughts of feelings—to bring focus.

The Thought Adjuster however, makes greater use of our minds when we “see with the mind’s eye.”  Our imagination is the canvas for painting our vision in the Creator’s everywhere presence—the Light Field—the Unified Field—the Divine Matrix.  When the greater is our conviction when “seeing,” the more permanence does the vision sustain in the Light Field.  Once we focus our thoughts and have a firm understanding of ourselves, we can then project these feelings into a vision on the canvas of our mind’s eye.  It is here that we pass the baton to our Thought Adjuster and “see” the outcomes of our hopes and dreams manifest.

This is the most important part of your CC work, and I would encourage you to apply this visual imagery to all your thoughts, whenever you stop to focus your feelings and ideas—see it in your mind’s eye as an image; a short film; a movie with an ending you desire. This is the language of the Creator—where the child and the Parent come together to co-create.

All of us make broad statements that contain a very detailed experiential engagement.  Example: “I love apples.”  OK, great, but why do you love them?  That broad statement is like a file folder that has a label called “I love apples.”  What is inside the folder is your experience with eating apples and it is full of rich sensory data.  Let’s examine this love for apples in a vision: 
I’m walking through an apple orchard—it is a fall day; the sky is cloudy, and the surrounding trees are lit up in bright colors—reds, yellows, and various shades of brown.  I smell the decaying leaves in the air and I feel the fallen leaves crunch under my feet as I walk.  I also smell the vinegar of decaying apples that have fallen to the ground—some of them I step on and feel them crush under my shoes.  I look up into the apple trees to find the perfect apple—one that I imagined in my mind as large, shiny-red, no blemishes—hanging within my reach.  I scan the trees and there I see it!  I reach for it—pull the branch down closer to me.  I feel the rough bark of the branch against my skin and pull at the apple until it breaks its stem from the branch—I hear it “snap” and feel the kinetic reaction to the stem separating from the branch through the force of my pull.  I smile—examine it in my hand—I turn it around to see if there is a worm hole hidden, but find it pristine and lovely—the ideal of the perfect apple I imagined in my mind’s eye.  I rub the apple on my jeans to shine it’s ruby red skin, then bring it to my nose and smell its sweet familiar sent. I open my mouth and bring the skin against my teeth knowing it must be penetrated with some pressure to break into the sweet yellow juicy flesh within. I clamp down and break it open with my teeth and feel the juice squirt in my mouth with that familiar taste that I recognize from past experience. I chew the flesh and extract all the sweetness the fruit contains within—I swallow the chewed flesh and feel it going down my esophagus and then vanish into my stomach where it becomes a part of me. I feel joy in this moment—I store this memory in the folder I labeled “I love apples.” 

You can see how limiting human language is when we make broad statements.  If I say to my TA, “I love apples,” the TA is not moved to do anything with that statement, but when you say “I love apples” and then go into a little stroll down memory lane and recall the entire experience of why you love apples—the experience of not only eating apples, but the whole human experience of living life and appreciating the beauty and goodness of that moment and others like it—the TA shares in the experience and then counterparts those moments of truth, beauty, and goodness, and keeps them safe within your soul that they may become a permanent part of who you are—your experiences that led to an appreciation for life itself. 

I would like for you to revisit all the previous facets of CC and bring these visions and sensory images to all the talking points of those facets.  This is something that you will need to practice, but in doing so, has a greater payoff in the experience of CC.  Soon you will be able to recall the rich experience of CC as something that makes life worth living—to have an experience with the Creator through a relationship that brings joy, peace, love, and understanding.  It becomes a reality just as real as eating apples, but has a greater potential to advance your standing and progress your spiritual journey—a shared journey of life—a continuing answer to the primal question: “Who AM I?”

In the second part of this facet (#10), I will give examples of what I “see” and how I communicate with my TA during my CC session, so that you can adapt your own vision to the process.

Stay with me on the journey,

Chris Maurus

Source: /transcript/experiencing-conscious-contact-part-12-1-of-2