Experience a Guided Meditation for Healing the Afflicted
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Today, my dear friends, we are going to shift our awareness and focus on the needs of others and project our love and compassion toward those who are suffering in body and mind. There are so many on your world that need healing, and so we are going to pool our spiritual resources together and send this healing energy over to these afflicted sons and daughters of God. Knowing that all humans are connected through the agency of the Indwelling Spirit, the Thought Adjusters, we merely have to think about the person who is suffering, and with clear intent, that energy shall be directed to that individual.
Let us therefore think of a beloved friend or family member who is suffering with some affliction. See this person in your mind’s eye and concentrate on your connection with this person. If you do not know this person directly, think about the chain of relationships that connects you to this person and direct your love, compassion, and healing energy though this chain of relationships.
See this person now laying in a large bed and “see” how they are suffering. Imagine how this suffering affects this person mentally, physically, and spiritually. Now, I want you to imagine laying down next to this person, and with great intention and compassion, I want you to “see” the affliction rise up out of the patient in a dark gray mist and move into your own body. By taking on this affliction yourself, you are exercising the greatest compassion and love you can give to another. I want you to “feel” what it is like to have this affliction so that the level of you compassion is amplified and your understanding is heightened so that you can more effectively bring relief and healing through spiritual resources.
Now, I want you to pray and ask for healing—ask that the Father send his healing ministers, those specialized angels and celestial beings of light, that are most suited to healing the human body and mind, to descend upon you and work to heal the affliction that is now in you. Direct them to the areas that need healing and see a golden light begin to flow from these light ministers into you until you are encased in a golden cocoon of light. This golden light is a healing capsule that will transform every cell that is out of alignment with the Will of the Father. As you lay there in this golden bliss, feel the affliction begin to subside and feel a state of wellness come over you as you are healed from the affliction.
Now, see the golden light rise up above you and move over to the patient and see how it surrounds their body. See the expression of relief in the face of this person and feel the joy they are feeling as they become liberated from the affliction. Having both suffered and having both healed by God’s love, you are in sympathy with this person and you now share a bond of love and brotherhood as human siblings who are ascending sons and daughters of God. See the healed patient now get up out of the bed and join their family and friends in celebration of their healing. Remain in a state of gratitude and thankfulness for having the opportunity to serve and be the love and light of God’s Will.
Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven
Receiver’s Note: Expand on this simple framework for healing the sick by using your co-creative powers and imaginations. The more love and compassion you have, the greater is the power of your intentions.