Dynamic Influence – The Link to Universe Destiny
Teacher: The SUMERIAN
The message for today is relative to every living soul on every developing world throughout the far flung universes of time. Nearly all are working toward the completion of the Great Plan in varying degrees of “willingness.” Some have become aware of this participation, and others are completely oblivious of their participation, yet each, by their very unique design as a child of the Creator, have certain “built-in” maps and plans—potentials that may contribute to the completion of universe destiny, which makes each soul an important “agent” of change. As the children of time awaken to the divine fact that they are indwelled by the spirit of the Father’s presence, they expand and accelerate this process of solving universe problems. Many who remain oblivious may actually add to the “queue” of certain universe problems, which in time will have to be solved through life experience before the scales of Light and Life tip toward completion of destiny.
These “built-in” plans, maps, and potentials are a part of the Life Carrier’s design that links the static imprints resident within your biology with the dynamic spiritual motivators present in both the body and the developing soul. The Thought Adjuster (TA), the Indwelling Presence of the Father, is the Master Operator who facilitates, orchestrates, and choreographs this extremely complicated and delicate communicative dance with these static and dynamic potentials to bring about the resolution of certain universe problems that you are uniquely equipped to solve while adhering to your free will prerogatives.
Your DNA is like a finely tuned crystal that operates by vibrational frequencies which contain the static maps and influences for biological development—from parents, ancestors, and geographic stasis, as well as dynamic spiritual receptors and transmitters. These (undiscovered) spiritual receptors and transmitters in the DNA enable “dynamic influence” to co-creatively excite potentials in your personality to “move” and solve a universe problem. The dynamic influence may be so intense and direct as to manifest as an illness or phobia in some individuals to motivate them to resolve a previously unresolved universe problem. As each problem is resolved, the tension from the problematic influence is released and the subtle fields of the body are healed and made ready to resolve the next influential universe problem per the potentials inherent within.
There is a hierarchical principal (a layering) based on the inherent potentials and abilities of the individual to solve universe problems related to the consequence of free will choice that becomes a part of this “map and plan.” A failure to resolve a universe problem by experience in any one soul is deferred and placed “in queue” and becomes another melody for the Divine Conductor to match up with another potentially talented musician to play. You could think of it like a relay race where each runner passes the baton to his or her teammate with the hope that each will do their part to complete the race.
Each individual soul is a fragment of the One Soul which means they are all connected and all participating in the Great Plan to answer the Creator’s original question: “Who AM I?” The edict, “Be you perfect, even as I AM perfect,” requires that we leave no question unanswered that is inherent in our potential to answer—as an individual, as a group, as a conglomerate of souls living on the worlds of time all contributing to the Great Plan and the emergence of the Supreme Being—that aspect of the Creator in time. Working co-creatively with the TA to find your purpose is in reality “doing the Father’s Will.” You can do this consciously (actively) or unconsciously (unaware), yet knowing you are participating in universe completion is much more rewarding, joyful, and exciting!
Be well, be open, and be willing,
Receiver’s note: The SUMERIAN has a lot of very interesting things to say about this, and kept underlining the fact that this subject is most difficult to communicate in human language because of the very complex nature of soul mechanics and the exponential variances in which universe problems are solved. There is no “one-way” set in stone for how the Creator works—he is infinitely creative!