Duty to Service
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Today's message is about maintaining duty to loving service (God's Will) irrespective of the state of your personal life—your health; your feelings towards others; your financial security, or any other life lesson you may be experiencing. If the Father has given you an opportunity to serve, then it is to your benefit as well as to the ones you serve, to take action and do that thing that God has placed in your heart to do. Service to ego must wane and allow the Will of God to act through spirit. Only through selflessness can we serve as we are called.
There will never be a time when you will say, All my life lessons have been learned—now I can serve God and man in perfection. Throughout your eternal career you will be learning, teaching, and serving, for it is the way of the Creator to bring his children to perfection. Even after the embrace of finality will you continue to learn and experience new things while you continue to serve in new ways. All these things go hand in hand.
You may be experiencing a hardship at this time, but this should not stop you from helping someone that is also having trials, for healing can take place for both in the interaction of loving service. Never allow the trials of life to paralyze you—continue to move forward as the Indwelling Spirit directs. Continue to make space for this direction through your stillness meditations. Remove the focus from your own trials and allow the healing to take place.
When you discipline yourself, through self-mastery, to follow through with your inner callings, you are allowing a greater, wider channel of spiritual communication to flow into your consciousness. Allowing for two-way communication, through prayer and worship—thankfulness, gratitude, and the selfless desire for divine will to manifest, you continue to progress and achieve your Circles in personality attainment. If you allow the drama of ego conflicts to crowd out the communication of inner life, you often find the difficult lessons harder to bear, and sometimes do these difficult lessons seem to repeat themselves in various forms because of this lack of inner hearing and understanding.
Stay grounded and have faith my beloved friends, for our Paradise Father knows what is best for his children, and He will bring about the change you desire in your heart. Continue to be an anchor of light wherever you are in your life station, and God will be faithful to you through providence and through increased understanding of the divine plan.
Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven