Doing The Will - Cooperation
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Today’s lesson will be on doing the will of the Father through cooperation. It is through cooperation with spirit that we will finally attain the goal to do the will of Him who loves us. Cooperation includes doing all those things we have spoken of in the previous lessons, create; communicate; and believe, but in cooperation and in alliance with spirit. Learn to listen my beloved—listen with spiritual ears to the leadings of your Though Adjuster; your guides; and your guardians. Listen to the Spirit of Truth, and listen to the Holy Spirit. When we listen in the spirit, we are cooperating by making decisions at the soul level rather than at the material/animal mind level. The more we exercise our spirit hearing and act in cooperation with it, the clearer will become that hearing and greater will be your confidence in the alignment of Father’s will with yours.
When we act in this human/spirit cooperative, we are developing the soul-mind, and this may also be referred to as the pre-morontial mind. The soul is the embryo of the morontia life and this pre-morontial mind is growing and gaining experience yet as we live in the flesh. It is through the cooperation and communication with spirit that we continue to build and strengthen this embryo of what we shall become in the next phase of our ascension. This my beloved, is spirit progression, and it is the goal and desire of all ascending mortals—to become perfect as the paradise Father is perfect. It is in this perfection pursuit that we feel the gravity of the Father’s calling and we begin to feel with increasing amplitude the power of his love for us as we grow closer to oneness with him. There is no greater joy than to receive this “super-love” from the Creator Father poured out on his beloved children.
How do we “hear” and cooperate more efficiently with spirit? By replacing those unimportant material pursuits and distractions with stillness; with prayer; with selfless service and love for one’s fellows; with living a life of providence, and of dedication and devotion to all things spirit. Stay on the path my beloved, and you will know the supreme satisfaction that you used your time wisely on the earth and did not squander it away in blindness and in the pursuit of unreal things.
Blessed are you light workers who do the will of Him, and blessed are those who benefit from the light you shine out in to the darkness, for you are the eyes; the ears; the hands and feet of Him on the ground in the worlds of time and space. I honor you and I envy you for the opportunities that you have to do great things in the kingdom—and to do it as agondontors—I applaud you.
Good day,
The Circle of Seven