Doing the Will - Communicate
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Today I would like to speak about doing the Father’s will in yet another way. Last week I spoke about doing the Will through the co-creation of using your talents and creative abilities. Today I would like to focus on your ability to communicate with both spirit and with your fellows. Jesus spoke about putting your light on the lamp stand for all to see, and this is what we must do when we communicate with our brothers and sisters. We will use networking as the vehicle to ignite the flames of others.
For many, it is easy to get too comfortable and let habitual living isolate us into dealing with the same few people day in and day out. We lose touch with old friends, and we see little of our extended families. Working so many hours to pay for our sustenance even isolates us further from our own family members. This isolation limits our opportunity for progressive experiences, and it is the Father’s will that we reach out to others and have a fuller, richer experience through contact and communication with others where the opportunities for growth multiply.
On the spiritual side there is often isolation as well. The Father desires that you communicate with him, and it matters not the route you take to get there, either through the Thought Adjuster, The Creator Son, Mother Spirit, your guides, guardians, teachers, or directly to Him. All spirit works in unity to do the will of Him. It is through this communication that the Father’s will is revealed to you, or the answers to your petitions are set in motion through His various divine agencies to create the opportunities for soul growth. Those having sonship with him have direct access to the throne of grace, and you should take every opportunity to exercise this right as a child in the Father’s kingdom.
Build your network in both the spiritual realms and in the earthly realm. Reach out to others and build new friendships and rekindle the love of those that you have lost touch with if there is value there. When the Master spoke about saving your treasures in Heaven, he was referring to the treasures of relationships and selfless service where the reward for showing unconditional love, kindness, and mercy to your fellows in earth life is reaped a thousand fold in the abodes of glory. How touchingly beautiful it is to see the reuniting of old friends on the mansion worlds and to reminisce about the good fight of past ages. What a treasure it is to know that you played a part in the soul growth and salvation of another who was there to greet you—truly, truly you can then say, “His will be done.”
Good day,
The Circle of Seven