Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Today, my beloveds, I would like to speak about depression. Many of you suffer from this state of mind for many reasons, real and imagined. For some it comes on because of a lack of purpose in their lives — a loss of drive to become more than what they are. It is stagnation and it leads to digression of soul development. Depression is one of the spirit poisons, and it separates one from the doing of the Father’s will. In many ways the state of being depressed can be used as a rationalized excuse for circumventing the Father’s will by ignoring the leadings of the indwelling spirit, and thus the guardian seraphim must take corrective action to get the person back upon the road to real soul building and spirit progression.
“What I would like to say to these so affected is that you are very much loved by your heavenly Father, Christ Michael, Mother Spirit, and the host of guides and guardians that surround you. This is not a cliché statement — there are many spirit beings around you, even now, and they long for you to ask them for help, because free will, even the ‘will to be depressed,’ must be respected by all spirit personalities.
“When you ‘come to a place’ of sincere desire to be helped, you must make a statement of determination to seek divine intervention. Cry out unto God and blow off the pent-up anguish. Tell Him of all your woes, worries, and fears, and please make it as detailed as possible. Worry and fear are the fuzzy chains that bind you and ‘poison your well.’ I say ‘fuzzy’ because they are most often undefined, unsubstantiated, and shadows of unreality for events that may or may not occur. This is the first step to recovery, my beloveds, this is the ‘knocking on the door.’
“Once you have poured out your heart to Him you must be ‘willing’ to receive guidance and this may come through many channels — through the leadings of the spirit, or unexpected opportunities and synchronicities that point the way. You must take the initiative to ‘open the door’ and see what’s on the other side.
“You are a unique personality in the universe, and you are greatly valued and loved by the Creator. If only you had a tiny glimpse of the grand adventure that awaits the mortals of His indwelling, you would never be depressed, for every day would be a new opportunity to grow in love and faith as you tarry on in the school of life in the flesh. It is important that you stay in this school as long as you can, and make good use of your education, for God has great plans for you — the hardened and battle-ready souls of Urantia. Your difficult and adverse lives on this rebellious little orb on the outer rim of the universe is boot camp of the training academy of the universe. You do have purpose, worth, and a bright and glorious future. Be of good cheer now, and look beyond the immediate future to include the infinite possibilities of eternity.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”