
Location: Michigan, USA
Date: 25 Nov 2008
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Receiver: Chris Maurus

Dear one, the desires of your heart have not gone unnoticed, and we are here to strengthen you in your pursuit of spirit. Be patient and watchful for the signposts. We are always with you now and fear not, for you are protected. You are now part of the Circle. The way will now be shown clearer and you will know more and more of the work to be done. You must prepare yourself for the road ahead through prayer, through stillness, and through your journaling. There is much work to be done, but the work is very rewarding. Use all the spiritual tools at your disposal, for when your will is aligned with the Father’s, what ever you shall ask will be done, but your intention must be pure and thought right, and it must be focused like a laser beam. Continue in your reading and you will be guided into all truth—for this is the training period before the field study—before the battle.

Before were six—now is seven

The Circle of Seven.

Source: /transcript/confirmation