Caring for the Elderly
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Today’s Lesson is on caring for the elderly. It is the duty of all faith sons and daughters who are believers in the Kingdom to minister to the elderly and to prepare them for afterlife on the mansion worlds. Those that know these truths must communicate to these frail and fearful souls who are near the doorstep of eternity and who have no idea of what awaits them in the resurrection. Too often do we avoid the subject of death and what lies ahead because we ourselves have been so ill prepared by the orthodoxy of religion on this planet. If these patriarchs of humanity even had the vaguest most remote idea of the process and the conditions of afterlife, it would make a tremendous difference in their transition and eliminate much confusion and fear. Having a little knowledge of the grand adventure would make death something to look forward to rather than some great unknown to dread.
This is not an easy thing to talk about with elderly folks who are very set in their ways, and especially when you yourself have no firsthand knowledge of mansion world life and the process of crossing over. You can however, use the knowledge and descriptions given in your Urantia Book to seed the mind of these souls—to tell them of the loved ones that will be waiting to greet them in the resurrection halls of Mansonia—of the great peace and beauty of the realms of light and the glorified bodies that they will have that are free from all infirmity. Tell them of the great opportunities that await them, the learning of anything they desire, and the chance to find God and to become perfect as He is perfect.
Tell them to unload the burdens of guilt, regret, and the trespasses of others, for the past can not be undone. Tell them to look boldly into the future and imagine the possibilities, the glory, and the love that awaits them. Yes, they will listen to you, they crave to hear these words even if they outwardly evade such discussions—they want to know and to hear the good news. Don’t wait until they are on their deathbed to tell them these things, tell them today so they may think and distill these things into a comforting assurance of things to come.
The telling of the Good News and the glories of the afterlife will help these souls progress despite the apparent crystallization of their beliefs. Truth has a way of cutting through the density of the most veiled fears and takes root in the human heart where it will blossom and grow into new paradigms of faith, hope, courage, and love.
Go boldly to the harvest my beloved,
The Circle of Seven