Are you a Universe Citizen? Take the Test.
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Today, my dear friends, we would like to ask you a few questions so that you may gauge your own progress and determine in your mind what areas you need to focus on to move into a higher state of awareness—to expand your consciousness, and to love with less condition. You have been given many messages and lessons by your teachers and you have studied other spiritual knowledge that you have been attracted too. You have experienced much in your relatively short lives on earth; been conditioned by your families, religious organizations, and society; and have unknowingly built up a wall that separates you from knowing and doing the Will of the Universal Father. Every willing intention, decision, and action to climb over this wall is duly noted by your Indwelling Spirit (your Thought Adjuster), and with each step up, your consciousness expands and your soul grows. Becoming a universe citizen, therefore, means you are actively and willfully participating in your own progress, and with the help of your Thought Adjuster, you are preparing for the next phase of your universe careers.
Ask these questions of yourself and answer them truthfully to the best of your ability. If your answer is a Yes/No, then ask yourself “Why?” The test can be retaken as many times as you like, and the score, you will grade yourself at the end of your earth lives.
Do you believe in the existence and sovereignty of a Universal Creator?
If “Yes” to question #1, do you believe you are unconditionally loved and accepted by this Universal Father?
Have you accepted the fact that as a child of this Universal Father, you have the opportunity to live eternally as a growing and perfecting consciousness?
Do you understand that your life on earth is a very important part of your foundational soul development and that the Universal Father has invested Himself in the potentials of who you are and what you may become?
Do you recognize the imperfections in your own character and are you actively participating in the correction and betterment of your personality and your relationships with others?
Do you feel an affinity for brotherhood—that all people are related to you as siblings of one universal family?
Have you forgiven those who have wronged you and accepted that they are imperfect and on their own path in life, that may be divergent from your own, and knowing that they also have the investment of God in their potentials as eternal citizens?
Are you serving in some capacity to help others who are less aware of their god-like potential and working toward some objective to make the world you live in a better place?
If you have answered “yes” to most of these questions, then you are surely on your way to becoming a universe citizen. Even if you truthfully answered “no” to several of the questions, but you want to know more about perfecting yourself and knowing the Will of the Universal Father, you also are moving along the path toward eternal life and participation in the Great Plan. God-speed to all of you.
Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven